The Adventures of Nissa and Hayley

I’ve been working at Bark Lake since September 2007. In the time I’ve had the opportunity to work with some truly amazing people. And every so often some of them go to some even more amazing things… truly!

Way back on 30 May I received an email from Nissa, a past facilitator now teaching in the UK. Nissa and Hayley (another blast from the past) are travelling throughout the United Kingdom (and maybe beyond) and I wanted to share their emails.

Melin Court FallsJoe! Here is a picture of Hayley and I standing in front of Melin Court Falls. We not only stood in front of it, but drank from the Water Bottle of Victory which I filled with water from the falls. I felt safe doing this, as I don’t think they have Beavers here. So far, I have not felt horrible. Oh, Melin Court is in Wales, which I think we all know is the best part of Great Britain. Hope everything is going well at Bark – we both miss you guys!

High Fives, Nissa and Hayley

PS – we didn’t bring the water bottle because we both forgot it, and because, let’s be honest, for hard core hiking a Nalgene is always best.

I wrote back with a promise to post the photo on the new Bark Lake Around the World board in the Dining Hall. Those of you who have been to the old store may remember the display of Water Bottles from around the world. Well, we’ve decided to expand the collection to include Bark Lake clothing as well.

A short time later I received another email from Nissa. Her and Hayley had moved on to another amazing place. I’ll post that story soon!


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