Changes to the Balsam Centre

Spring is seen by many as a time of growth and renewal; and it’s no different here at Bark Lake.  This year we are doing some renovations to the Balsam Centre.  We are in the early stages of moving the store into Balsam Roadside and transforming the old store space into a classroom.

Why the change?

During the peak of our summer season we may see as many as 200 people in a single afternoon trying to get through the store.  The larger floor space of Roadside means we will be able to accommodate more guests at a time… which means less time spent waiting in line and more time spent having fun!  (Also, the larger floor space is going to mean that we can put out a wider variety of items at a given time)

Moving the Tuck Shop into Roadside well also let us make better use of the space available.  We are going to turn the kitchenette into some much needed storage space.   This means that, hopefully, we won’t run out of certain sizes, colours, or styles of clothing.

But for me, the top benefit for moving into Roadside is simply having two doors.  Guests leaving the store won’t have to move through those waiting to get in and those waiting to get won’t have to stay bunched over to one side.

However… there is a problem.  With the store moving into Roadside we need to come up with a new name for the classroom space between Lakeside and the Tuck Shop.

So… what do you think?  Have a good idea for naming the new classroom space?  Let me know.  Reach me at or visit the Bark Lake Facebook page or reach me Bark Lake’s Twitter account..


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