Nature; It’s in our Nature

It seems so simple on the surface, but yet it’s something that can be so easily forgotten… It is in our nature, to be a part of nature. We’ve spent an incredible amount of time building ourselves out of nature, or else altering our surroundings to better suit a way of life… a way of life putting us on (what can be seen as) a pedestal above the rest of the natural world. In our own minds, we place ourselves above every other species living on the planet; even those who respect nature have it in their heads that they are superior to the rest of the world… after all, they can save it right? All of this work, forward progression, and civilization has removed us from Nature… or has it?


A dove sitting on a branch


Think about how you feel when you see the Northern Lights…a clear lake on a beautiful fall day… a mountain range sky-lining the horizon… an unbroken patch of newly fallen snow… the milky-way, and the billions of stars on a cloudless night (notably away from the city)… a pod of dolphins swimming alongside a ship… even the epic panoramic shots in some of your favourite movies (my example… Lord of the Rings). It’s a rush; an undeniable and powerful reaction… almost visceral in nature, and I’m sure everyone has felt it to one degree or another. That feeling; that rush… is the proof that while we seem to have “removed” ourselves from nature, nature never removed itself from us. This feeling I’ve described, is something that keeps me coming back to Bark Lake. I get it every time I make that 5km drive down the twisty, bumpy driveway (it’s gotten to the point that as soon as I make that turn, my music goes off, and the windows go down). From the sunsets and rain-storms seen from across the lake, to the loon calls, and wolf howls heard in the dead of night… nature always calls (and welcomes!) me back.
Come see what I mean, and experience nature outside of the city… Bark Lake has plenty of it to share!

D’Arcy Langlois

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